Latest Episodes

BP Episode 009 - What is the Gospel?
In this episode, I explained what Gospel is, a brief study on the ancient usage of the word, and how it is used in...

BP Episode: 008 - The Importance of Mosaic Covenant
In this episode, I explain the importance of the Mosaic Covenant.

BP Episode: 007 - The Importance of Abrahamic Covenant
In this episode, I explained what is the importance of the Abrahamic Covenant and how it is related with the central theme of the...

BP Episode: 006 - The Importance of Noahic Covenant
In this episode, I explain what is Noahic covenant and how it fits in with the central theme of the Bible

BP Episode: 005 - The Importance of a Covenant
This episode explains what a "Covenant" is; how many covenants are in the Bible and how they fit under the central theme of the...

BP Episode: 004 - The Importance of the Old Testament
The Old Testament is not relevant today – is a misunderstanding that some have. What is the importance of Old Testament? This week’s episode...