Latest Episodes

BP Episode 015 The Assurance in God
What is Assurance in God? The question I want to answer today is - How do I know that I have assurance of eternal...

BP Episode 014 Giving Thanks to God
Thanksgiving is a concept frequently seen throughout the Bible. Especially, offering thanks to God, associated with provision, deliverance, worship and meals. The giving of...

BP Episode 013 The Importance of the Davidic Covenant
The Davidic Covenant - What is the Importance of the Davidic Covenant? In this Episode, Joel Madasu explains the importance of the Davidic Covenant....

BP Episode 012 Who Are You In Christ? Know Your Identity in Christ!
What is your identity in Christ? Who are you in Christ? When one believes in Christ, he or she gets a new identity. Faith...

BP Episode 011 How to Have a Relationship with God
“But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name,...

BP Episode 010 The Work and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Knowing the work and the ministry of the Holy Spirit is important for a Christian. Because, it is the Spirit who guides us, convicts...